We love to help you feel good, and great customer satisfaction guarantees that. Which is why we offer refunds and returns on unopened and unused purchased products. Please note that for hygiene and health purposes, we will not accept returns or exchanges on all open and used products. Opened products are final sales.
Our refund and exchange policy also applies to purchased items damaged or lost in transit. Please contact the appropriate shipping carrier for all claims regarding damaged or lost orders.
To be eligible for a refund or exchange, you must email us at info@trichosolutions.com within ten days of purchase date, stating your request for a refund or exchange, along with the invoice number. We will follow up with instructions on how to complete your return. All products must be sealed and unopened to process your refund or exchange.
Upon receipt of the return, we will process an exchange if the product is available, or offer a refund of full purchase price to the credit card used for your purchase (minus original and return shipping costs which are non-refundable).